You’ve defined your audience. You’re set on the general theme and agenda of your event. Ready to book the venue. You’re now in the market for a keynote speaker who can contribute a high-impact and passionate out-of the-box view. You want it delivered with authenticity and in the most professional way!
After all, a keynote speaker might make or break your conference..
Let us help you structure your choices. It really comes down to three main options:
From an audience and business perspective you would probably miss the most attractive opportunity by not going with option 3 and having the bestselling author at your event.
Dr. Amin Talab fascinates and entertains business audiences all around the globe with his international perspective. His mission is to help people to become happier and more efficient in their interactions with other people by opening up a cross-cultural perspective. That in turn leads to a better understanding of what it takes to build economically stable and lasting personal relationships .
He inspires leaders, corporate executives and entrepreneurial business owners who strive to better understand new intercultural challenges and opportunities. Dr. Amin specializes on the needs of internationally working organizations, in particular the financial services sector and pharmaceutical companies and helps them to secure the best negotiation results possible while accepting that understanding “the best” depends on the cultural conditions.
Here is how the author explains it…:
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